Online shops are our present
Polish e-commerce market in comparison to other EU countries is characterized by large, even double-digit growth. This applies to both e-commerce and increasingly popular m-commerce. This situation is also reflected in customer interest in our agency subject of online stores.
As a result of the analysis of your needs, we offer the most effective solution.
With extensive experience in the implementation of online stores, we are able to match the optimal functioning model – from the dedicated software store by licensed shops type Shoper solutions to the open-source software such as Presta Shop or Magento.
Dedicated Online shops
Dedicated programming online stores this position for demanding customers. By creating an online store to order’re mapping real principles of cooperation. It may refer to both pricing, discounting, customer access to the selected part of the mix.
As part of the dedicated software, we also integration modules allow the exchange of data between the online shop and warehouse system, or an accountant.
Preparation of specifications dedicated online store is preceded by a thorough analysis of needs and reading the business community and softwarowym the environment in which the client.

Online shops Shoper
Programming web stores Shoper a very affordable proposition for customers looking for ready and proven solutions.
The shop can be purchased at one of the sales plans – in the form of leased (SAAS) or license their own. In both cases, we get access to the current annual update. Purchase their own license is recommended for customers who are committed to the introduction of individual modifications in the software store.
Our agency has been implementing for several years and is an authorized reseller Shoper. The range of services includes you create individual graphic design store (skins), their implementation and the implementation of modifications to the software store according to customer requirements.
Online shops Prestashop, Magento
Open platform, open-source type Prestashop an alternative to their commercial counterparts.
Access to finished modules provides a reliable foundation to build an online store with the ability to implement an unlimited number of modifications and for the sake of his popularity and access to technical documentation, the market also operates a large number of more or less sophisticated functional modules that facilitate and accelerate the launch of the online store.
As in the case of software Shoper, also for shops Prestashop or Magento clients of our agency can count on the performance of individual graphic design shop, its implementation and expansion of the current demand.