Mobile reality
With the development of mobile technology, increase equipment performance and affordability for years now experiencing a revolution in this field. Mobile applications have become commonplace.
Virtually every smartphone owner uses a variety of mobile applications. They can be both social networking applications, entertainment, as well as those of business, prosportowym or organizational purpose.
On the market available applications are functioning as separate, self-contained products or services (eg .: Instagram) as well as those that extend the functionality of web pages and other services (eg .: application Allegro, banking applications).
Mobile applications
Initially, complement, and is now an indispensable item in the offer of our agency was to design mobile applications tailored to customer needs.
Most often we meet with asking for the creation of an application running on platforms Android, iOS or WindowsPhone. Therefore, putting on solutions for efficient implementation, we use technology PhoneGap. Dthanks to her, it is possible to quickly create mobile applications running on all systems.
As with other software solutions, and here it is necessary to analyze the customer’s needs and to prepare a detailed specification. We’ll send you must first of all be characterized by functionality and simplicity. Therefore, particular importance is the design work and, in a later stage tests of general applications.

comprehensive solutions
For many customers expectations posed in front of our agency is to prepare a comprehensive settlement of the functional.
To this end, we have the project two aspects form a parallel web application and its equivalent or an extension in the form of a mobile application.
System architecture and functional complementarity of these applications depends entirely on the assumptions that arise as a result of preparing specifications. Each application can have more or less similar functional solutions, it can also be designed for completely different purposes.