
Vastness of spam in our mailboxes of email makes security policy on mail servers is constantly obostrzeniu. Certainly sometimes you met with the fact that your mail was sent to the spam or not at all reached the correct recipient. Today, a short article about how to check the “spamowość” your e-mail.

Available solutions

On the web you can find various sites offering the service test sending e-mail and its degree of “spamowości.” We can mention, among others Putsmail.com or Litmus.com. They are often free tools sometimes require registration. Their downside, however, is the need for the test from the side of the tool – in effect, you have to literally paste the code sent mail in the appropriate form fields. It is quite uncomfortable, not to mention the fact that for some users too complicated.


Our tip

Our proposal is a page Mail-tester.com, which thoroughly analyzes the code of e-mail, it is free and on top so simple to use. Enough (1) go to the main page mail-tester.com, (2) copy the generated e-mail and (3) send him a message from your account that you want to check for accuracy and safety.



After sending we see a report that allows you to analyze multiple parameters mail.

Wynik testu maila

The report includes:

  • The display messages in the HTML version or the text, including the visualization display on different devices – monitor, tablet, smarfon.
  • Rating by SpamAssassin – one of the most commonly used anti-spam filters.
  • The correctness of the message for errors in code.
  • Occurrence on blacklists (in terms of IP, which was shipping).
  • Errors links in mail content.


What if we received a negative result?

Check the comments which generates mailtester and try to implement them. If your server is blacklisted – contact your hosting provider. In case of a problem with the errors in the code template e-mail, you can contact the interactive agency like ours – interaktywni.pro 😉 – and ask them to prepare an elegant template e-mail in accordance with the requirements of bezpieczeństwa.Bezkres spam in our mailboxes of email makes security policy on mail servers is constantly obostrzeniu. Certainly sometimes you met with the fact that your mail was sent to the spam or not at all reached the correct recipient. Today, a short article about how to check the “spamowość” your e-mail.

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