
Nowadays the problem of network security is a key issue. More and more often we use Internet and mobile solutions and their customization usually associated with logging, which requires a password. Today, a few words about how to create a strong password that is secure.

Without any admission are a few key principles for creating a strong password:

a/ password length – the more characters more difficult to crack password – the minimum is 6 characters

b/ a variety of characters – make sure you use a password of at least the following types of characters:

  • lower case letters (without Polish characters)
  • large letters (without Polish characters)
  • digits
  • special characters or -+*=_!@#$%^&(){}[]|:;,.<>?/\”`~

So much for the design and content of the password. The following aspects related to security come down more to psychological issues.

a/ Definitely avoid using words associated with your real life – twarriors name, child’s name, year of birth, place of residence, etc. – based on this type of expression, you run the discovery of passwords by people in your environment and there have been incidents 😉

b/ I know it’s terribly difficult but do not use a single password in every possible place
websites and applications on the phone – use 2-3 different variants of the same password – that’s something – very simple suggestion is to build alternans password eg .:

12ABpassword34 interchangeably with 34ABpassword12 or 34abPASSWORD12

The above example shows how easy it is to modify the same strong password to remember and use one of its variants.

c/ Periodically change your password. There is nothing worse than the same password used for a long period of time and is in addition to one of several services. Remember to change your password every six months or maybe once every quarter. I think it’s worth it.

As a form of trivia I’ve included links to two pages, in which you check the strength of your current password. I think this is a nice test the more that the two websites listed below authors application graphically indicate how much time is needed to crack your password. May the days were not a second 😉




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